Understanding Chemical Peels

So often we see patients wanting to see an improvement in their skin but really aren’t sure with all that we offer where to start.  They want improved tone, texture, and are always looking for brighter more glowing skin.  Unfortunately the answer is not always straightforward.  Since everyone’s skin is so unique, there can be many viable options and while one is not always the best answer or approach, view your treatment options as puzzle pieces that all come together to make up a beautiful picture.

Chemical peels are the go-to procedure at Robertson Skin & Laser Center for a simple, in-office treatment to wake up dull, drab skin and give your skin that extra radiant glow.  There are however quite a few misconceptions about chemical peels.  A lot of people think of a chemical peel and picture raw, red, dry skin with lots of downtime, however this does not have to be the case anymore.  Chemical peels have come a long way since they were first intoduced.  Modern day chemical peels now contain a combination of ingredients that can be blended for a customized result.  Think of them like recipes for the skin – if you have active acne, if you’re dry, if your oily, if you want wrinkle and textural improvement – there are specific ingredients that can be utilized to target your area of concern.

Since chemical peels are so customized, their results can vary greatly based upon the depth and downtime associated with each type.  In general however, having a chemical peel can involve somewhat of a tingling or sunburn sensation during and sometime after the treatment but generally comes with minimal discomfort.  The most important element of a chemical peel is in its frequency.  One chemical peel will leave your skin feeling softer, more glowing and perhaps hydrated, but the effect is generally gone after about a a month and a half.  Most of our peel patients come every 6-8 weeks for optimal results.  When done as a series, each subsequent chemical peel essentially “piggy-backs” off the previous one, which is especially important for those patients looking to treat conditions such as acne, skin discoloration, pigment, and for most effective surface repair.

We invite you in all year round to schedule your complementary consultation with one of our skincare experts at Robertson Skin & Laser Center to discuss a chemical peel and skincare regimen that fits your lifestyle and skincare needs.

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Further Reading

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