What Makes Skinade Different From Other Collagen Products?

Skin care sales are estimated to reach $130 billion dollars globally by 2019. This comes as no surprise considering skin care products, in their attractive packages, are constantly calling out to us from the shelves of department stores, pharmacies, and grocery stores.  Magazine pages and online ads promise eager eyes that they have found the fountain of youth and for a small fortune you could possess their magical powers. Consumers want to know the new, “holy grail” items that will revitalize their complexions, turn back the clock, and restore their youthful glow. What you may be surprised to learn is that the first step to unlocking the anti-aging secret is so simple and begins from within. Let me ask you, “Did you drink your skin care today?”

Hippocrates said “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Skinade, a multi-award winning, anti-aging collagen drink, wasn’t around in the time of Hippocrates, but this product is exactly what the man was talking about. Robertson Cosmetic Center is proud to be the first clinic to retail this incredible, results-driven skincare product in the state of Wisconsin! Containing a patent-pending formulation of active ingredients that boost your body’s natural production of collagen peptides and hyaluronic acid, Skinade improves the way your skin looks and feels in as little as 30 daysThe instructions are as simple as, “Bottoms up!”

So what is Skinade? Skinade is a peach and mangosteen supplement drink developed by UK scientists and manufactured in the UK. The patent-pending formulation of high-grade collagen and essential micronutrients, supports the skin all over your body. It works from the inside out to rebuild and strengthen the collagen matrix below the skin’s surface, boost natural levels of hydration and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.  Drinking Skinade on a daily basis will result in firmer, more even-toned, hydrated, radiant, youthful, and healthier looking skin.

How is this collagen different than all the other collagen supplements on the market? We get asked this question quite often. There seems to always be new products down every aisle in the grocery store: collagen protein shakes, collagen powders to add to coffee, and of course collagen tablets. The differentiator with Skinade is two fold. One, the form of collagen used in Skinade contains collagen types I and III, which are the same forms of collagen found in the human dermis. Most collagen supplements use collagen type II, which is great for joint health, but does nothing for our skin. The second way that Skinade sets itself apart is the absorption rate. Most pill and powder forms of collagen offer about 30-40% absorption rates. Skinade however boasts an impressive 90-95% absorption rate and absorption occurs directly in the mucous membrane of the mouth and not the intestines. You would have to ingest 20 vitamins to get the same benefits as just one serving of Skinade!

Did you know that we lose 1.5% of the collagen in our skin each year from our early 20s?  This may not sound substantial, but that adds up to a 50% loss in collagen by age 60! This loss results in skin aging, including wrinkles, fine lines, dry, blemished, and thinning skin. Skinade has a three-fold effect against these signs of aging. It works by increasing collagen in the bloodstream by adding 7000 mgs of hydrolyzed marine collagen from each bottle. Skinade also triggers the body’s own collagen production by firing up the fibroblasts, our body’s collagen factories. It also increases the body’s production of hyaluronic acid, responsible for optimizing skin hydration!

A recent independent case study looked at whether or not a 90-day course of Skinade would lead to skin rejuvenation on the face. After a 90-day course of Skinade, the trial group saw a 25.5% increase in collagen density, 34% increase in skin hydration, and a 28% increase in skin elasticity. One participant’s collagen density increased by 73% during this study!

You don’t have to take their word for it! Robertson Cosmetic Center staff is “drinking the Kool-aide” so to speak. Sun Prairie’s clinic coordinator, Danielle said, “I’m pretty skeptical about products with such hearty claims. After two weeks I noticed the eczema on my arms was completely clear. I hadn’t used any topicals, steroids, or anti-histamines.  That’s proof enough for me that this product gets to work!”

Clients have reported glowing skin, more hydrated skin, and plumped fine lines and wrinkles. During the winter months many reported that their typical “dry, itchy skin” was relieved within about two weeks of using Skinade. This product is fantastic for acne sufferers as Skinade helps calm inflammation and gives the appearance of a healthy, toned complexion. The B-Vitamin complex also makes for a great afternoon “pick-me-up” without the jittery feeling that caffeine can bring.

The biggest question we get asked is, “How does it taste?” In one word: “Delicious.”  The peach and mangosteen flavor convinces your taste buds that you’re consuming something fun and fruity. Skinade is non-GMO and contains zero artificial flavors or colors and contains only 35 calories per serving so its easily fit into any diet. Staff has joked that they would love to drink it “on the rocks” in a tropical paradise!

Robertson Cosmetic Center retails Skinade in a 30-day supply complete with travel sachets for your convenience. Our team only brings on products and services that we stand behind and Skinade is no exception. Stop in to either location and we’ve love to sample you a taste of this brilliant product that will put Father Time in his place. Cheers to that!

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