Laser Hair Removal


  • Avoid sun exposure a minimum of 4-6 weeks prior to your treatment to ensure best results.
  • Please arrive at your appointment with the area to be treated cleany shaven.


  • CLEANSING: Bathe or shower as usual. Treated areas may be temperature sensitive within the first 24-48 hours.
  • GENERAL CARE:Avoid aggressive scrubbing, use of exfoliants and Clarisonic cleansing brushes until any redness has subsided.
  • SUNSCREEN: Use SPF-30 sunscreen if sun exposure is unavoidable. Sun avoidance will decrease the likelihood of skin color changes.


  • If red bumps occur, apply hydrocortisone until resolved.
  • If blisters occur, contact your provider immediately.


  • Because Laser Hair Removal consists of a series of treatments, it is imperative that we schedule your appotinments at appropriate intervals. Due to hair growth cycles, typically a 4-6 week interval is recommeneded for face treatments and a 6-8 week interval for body treatments. These intervals will ensure that we are catching different hair growth cycles for optimal results.


  • Appearance of hair growth or stubble will continue for 7-30 days post treatment. This is not new hair growth, but the treated hairs being purged from the follicle.


  • A mild heat sensation is expected following your treatment. This usually lasts 2-24 hours, but can persist up to 48 hours.
  • Avoid swimming, hot tubs, steam rooms and excessive exercise for 24-48 hours after treatment or until redness has subsided.
  • Avoid sun exposure to treated areas, as well as the use of tanning beds and sunless tanning during duration of treatment series.

Laser hair removal is the non-invasive removal of unwanted facial and body hair with the use of a laser. The Sciton Broad Band Light offers the gold standard in laser hair removal. It is FDA approved for permanent hair reduction for women and men. The light emitted by the laser is highly concentrated and targets the pigment in the hair follicle. The absorbed light heats the hair structures, which damages the existing hair and destroys the regrowth potential of the follicle, all without damaging the surrounding normal tissue.

Most patients receive around 80% hair reduction with a series of six to eight treatments spaced six weeks apart, however, the number of treatments required can vary based on age, ethnicity, hair color and thickness. *At this time, RCC is offering Laser Hair Removal treatments on the face only.

*If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us at 608.836.4044